Latest Episodes

(Ep. 225) How often do you forget? (Pinchas, פִּינְחָס 5783)
How often do you forget? Understanding why Moshe needed to ask Hashem regarding the inheritance of daughters and the lesson thereof. 5783 Pinchas -...

(Ep. 224) What name are you called by? (Chukat-Balak, חֻקַּת-בָּלָק 5783)
What name are you called by? Understanding all the different terminologies used for the Jews and the power or prayer. 5783 Chukat-Balak - חֻקַּת-בָּלָק...

(Ep. 223) Do you wait before you complain? (Korach, קֹרַח 5783)
Do you wait before you complain? Understanding why Korach waited to launch his rebellion and the valuable lesson thereof. 5783 Korach - קֹרַח ____________________________________...

(Ep. 222) Do you get punished for bad thoughts? ️(Shlach, שְׁלַח-לְךָ 5783)
Do you get punished for bad thoughts? Understanding why the Jews were 'punished' with 40 years in the desert and the valuable lesson thereof. ...

(Ep. 221) Would you leave your friend behind in the desert? ️(Behaalotecha, בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ 5783)
Would you leave your friend behind in the desert? Understanding why the Jews waited for Miriam and the lesson thereof 5783 Behaalotecha - בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ...

(Ep. 220) Are you innocent just because you're not guilty? ⚖️ (Naso, נָשֹׂא 5783)
Are you innocent just because you're not guilty? ⚖️ Understanding why we reward an innocent Sotah and the lesson thereof. 5783 Naso - נָשֹׂא...