Latest Episodes

(Ep. 231) How do you avoid a pain in the neck? (Shoftim, 5783 שֹׁפְטִים)
How do you avoid a pain in the neck? Understanding the mitzvah of eglah arufah and the lesson for our daily lives. 5783Shoftim -...

(Ep. 230) Is it a gift or necessity? (Re'eh, רְאֵה 5783)
Is it a gift or necessity? Understanding the severance gift to a slave and the proper attitude to giving charity. 5783 Re'eh - רְאֵה...

(Ep. 229) Hero or heel? (Eikev, עֵקֶב 5783)
Hero or heel? Understanding the way we do mitzvos today and the blessings it brings. 5783 Eikev - עֵקֶב ____________________________________ לע"נ שרה מרים בת...

(Ep. 228) When should you answer a question? ❓ (Va'etchanan, וָאֶתְחַנַּן 5783)
When should you answer a question?❓ Understanding when a question is legitimate and the proper approach to it. 5783 Va'etchanan - וָאֶתְחַנַּן ____________________________________ לע"נ...

(Ep. 227) How does 345 = 1000? (Devarim, דְּבָרִים 5783)
How does 345 = 1000? Understanding the kind of prayers Hashem wants from us. 5783 Devarim - דְּבָרִים ____________________________________ לע"נ שרה מרים בת אברהם

(Ep. 226) How clear is your vision? (Matot-Masei, מַּטּוֹת-מַסְעֵי 5783)
How clear is your vision? Understanding the difference between Moshe and other Prophets, what that has to do with vows and the lesson thereof. ...